Here at DreamFlight Charities, we are constantly approached by parents who have a child that is head over heels for aviation. They’re excited to seem them excited about something that exists beyond the screen of a table or phone – and trust us, we’re excited too! But we also find that many parents don’t know how to help foster and grow their child’s interest in aviation, much less to set them up for a potential future in the industry.
Add to this the financial costs of pursuing aviation as a hobby or potential career. Flight instruction, plane rental, and fuel costs add up extremely quickly, leaving little margin and time to feel things out and decide if aviation is something right for them. That’s why we want to share a few simple and cheap (read: free) ways that parents and educators alike can help students discover the wonders of flight.
Partner with Your Local Airport
With its fenced boundary and complex lighting and navigational structures, your local airport may seem to be an intimidating place, but it is where you will find one of the most welcoming communities out there. Many airport managers and staff are more than willing to take your family or classroom on a tour of their facilities and give you a behind-the-scenes look at their operations. Just do them a favor and call ahead of time!
At the same time, you may luck out and run into a plane owner who would be willing to show your child around an aircraft or even take them for a ride. Some airports also have flight clubs that meet regularly, serving as a great place to get better connected with the local aviation community while learning essential piloting skills. Be sure to be on the lookout for various fly-in breakfasts and other events that draw unique aircraft and opportunities that are sure to be appealing to your child or student.
We are so passionate about this point that we’ve dedicated an entire article to it.
EAA Young Eagle Flights
If your airport has a local EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) chapter, their Young Eagles program provides free introductory flights, typically for children aged 8-17. These events serve as a great way to see how comfortable a student might be in flight, and we can assure you that you will almost immediately know the level of interest they have in aviation simply by looking at their face when they get off the plane.
But it doesn’t end there! With the completion of a flight through the Young Eagles program, your student will receive a complimentary logbook and free access to Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course (a $299 value!) – an online, video-based curriculum designed to teach the basic concepts and skills behind piloting an aircraft.
You can search for EAA chapters through their website here.
Online Resources from the FAA
Textbooks and training resources can be expensive for any discipline, but did you know that almost all of the information a student will need in their aviation journey/career is available for free online? While you can purchase tangible publications of things like the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge or FAR/AIM (aviation regulations), each one of these publications is available in electronic form for free.
Simply make your way to the Federal Aviation Administration’s website to find various handbooks, manuals, advisories, and forms. Below are links to the most common publications that your child or student will want to use to get started on their journey:
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge >
Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement (Sport-Private Pilot) >
These are just a few simple ways to help your child or student get started on their aviation journey. While pursuing actual flight training is a bit more involved, utilizing the resources above will serve you, and your checkbook, well!